Tuesday 2 April 2013

The Art of Micro-Management

When you think of Micromanagement, I'm sure this image comes to mind. I searched for the definition of management through Google, and came across words like deal, control, handle and supervise. These words are rather hostile, yet most companies use the word "Management", without checking for the definition (Mainstream thinking).

As far as I know, there is only one question that will be answered with "Yes" by every human being.

"Do you want to be successful?", yet most of us will end up not being successful (Sad but true).

For the sake of understanding my Theory, I will use money as a measurement of success.

"The 1 Percent" is a documentary released in late 2006, which highlights the fact that 42.2% of America's wealth is owned by 1% of the population. Personally, I see nothing wrong with it, as long as you got your money the right way. In most cases, these people own businesses, or own assets which are managed by a team.

The Breakdown
100% of the people on the earth want to be successful,

Out of the 100% only about 40% (probably less) know the definition of their success (like being a musician).

Out of the 40%, about 20% know how successful they want to be (like playing at a specific opera house, or earning £80,000 a year playing 4 days a week, so he/she has time for other things).

Out of the 20%, only about 10% know how to get there (Practising, so I'm good enough to charge £500 per show, so by November I've hit my year's target).

Out of the 10%, only 5% set measurable goals (I should be at "this" skill level at playing the guitar by the 25th of July).

Out of the 5%, only 1% micromanage their goals

Based on my research, the difference between the 1% percent and the 99% apart from wealth is Micromanagement.

Micromanagement is not letting a day pass, without consciously work towards your goals. I'm not talking about none stop work, a lot of rest is part of micromanagement.

It's as easy as listing 5 things towards your goal you will do before the end of the day and creating a chart, so you can write down how many you did that day.

It's not for everyone though, just the 1%


Feel free to email me,
If you want to chat about it


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