That's my dad and I at my graduating ceremony when he asked
when I was starting my Masters. I looked at him and laughed (When you are really not joking, but you smile).
was a bitter sweet day because, though I was happy to be leaving school, I felt like I had wasted so much time doing something I didn't
School was too structured and had no innovation, I felt like
a cow in a caged barn being milked of creativity and expression(doing the same thing every day).
A few days later, my old man and I sat down to have the talk
he was trying to ease me into earlier.
My dad's one heck of a salesman, so before he asked me the
only question that mattered, he asked about 20 questions that he knew I would
answer with "Yes". Then he asked the real question,
"You are moving to Nigeria at the end of the holiday,
Right?” (That's how salesmen ask questions)
Then I replied "No", followed by an awkward
silence. Being a salesman myself I took the chance to start my sales pitch. It
was titles, "I want to be an Entrepreneur". I spoke for about an
hour, with him saying nothing. The second awkward silence came; it was longer,
than the first.
Then he replied, "OK".
The reply scared me, because I knew how much working with me
meant to him. Yet he put my desires ahead of his.
Introductory Letter
This blog is the documentation of my entrepreneurial
journey. A Lot of people want to start businesses but are scared, don't
know where to start, or don't have any good ideas. This blog will show you the London tech scene and how I overcame the
"Buts". I still have a long way to go.
My company is called "TugBox" (Download the app on
the Apple app store, its a bit buggy)
The next post will be My Business Pitch...
Stay tuned
Carry on with you all the way. FYI, I had this same conversation with your Dad when I left Uni. The Old man has always been like that, very supportive. lol