Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were neighbours as kids and have
been close friends ever since?
Lesson 3: When venturing into the unknown, it is best to do
it with a friend.
It's really weird, but all my close friends have been
dreamers (I actually had a friend nicknamed "Dreamer"). Though most
of them didn't take the dive I did, they keep me motivated enough to chase
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck probably talked a lot about how
they were going to dominate Hollywood and become movie stars. They must have
hung-out and talked about it so much that their belief levels were Sky-high.
That's the most important reason to dream with a friend, or
have people with similar or relatable goals around you often.
They keep you going
When I started my Entrepreneurial journey, the first
challenge I came across was finding a technical co-founder. At first I thought
my idea was so amazing that I would find someone that would want to work with
me. Trust me that will probably not happen for two reasons
- Every software engineer has their own little project which they believe will end up being the next Facebook
- Your idea is only 1% of your entrepreneurial journey as my mum would say, "Anyone can use their mouth to make sweet stew".... but craftsmanship is everything
Steve Jobs explained it better
Here's how I solved it
Instead of looking for a co-founder, I started looking for a
friend. When I met people, I never spoke about my project or how I was an
entrepreneur. I let them talk about what they did and I always made them show
off their cool little project on their phone (every good programmer has one).
By looking at their project, I knew if they had the skills needed.
I still didn't find a co-founder that way, but I got advice
on where to find one, a website for people looking to work on cool projects.
So, I made the most technical advert possible (copy and paste from other ads on
the site). Then I wrote two fundamental things
- If you are not looking to working on a very disruptive project, do not apply
- I am not just looking for a co-founder but also a friend
It worked, I found the coolest co-founder. He doesn't live
in London and we have never met, but our relationship is great. He is one of
the coolest people I know, because he lives life just like my dreamer friends.
He works for a big company, but is not comfortable and still dreams. He takes a
lot of holidays and likes skiing (which I find pretty cool). It’s not easy
working, as we have never met, but I wouldn't stop working with him even if
my room-mate worked for Google.
Hopefully we will end up like these guys
Also... Though I had a plan the journey was very different
Lesson 4: Expect the unexpected, but have a good plan
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